In Lopez Mateos we are fortunate to be visited each year by these majestic creatures. Gray whales travel thousands of miles to come to give birth to their young. Learn about the tours we have for you.
The area surrounding the port of Adolfo Lopez Mateos is one of the favorite places in all of Baja to the gray whale for birth and feed their young. There are currently two known populations of gray whales, whale Pacific Northwest (Korean) and the whale in the Pacific Northeas (California). While the Northeast herd has recovered from a very low this century and has been removed from the list of endangered species and threatened species in 1994, the Northwest herd remains endangered.
Gray whales migrate 8,000 miles from the Bering and Chukchi seas to our protected bays to give birth and raise them. The best season for whale watching in Lopez Mateos is from late December to early April. The prime area of the gray whale birthing and mating is located in the main channel between Boca de Soledad and Curva del Diablo and is considered the main route for boats between San Carlos and Puerto Adolfo Lopez Mateos. The port of Adolfo Lopez Mateos is one of the most popular whale watching in the bay, which is located in the narrowest part of the bay where the whales have an easier arrival.